Howdy. This is the new home of the Genom Executive Cel Gallery. My focus is on Bubblegum Crisis OVA cels, but I have a few other neat things, too. Enjoy!

News & Updates

9/28/2021Looks like I opened this rubber slug gallery just over 20 years ago now. That's pretty wild... and before that I had other galleries on Geocities, Angelifre, stuff like that. It's been a long time! Not nearly as active these days, but I still keep my eyes open. I only have one new item to share today, a somewhat interesting cel from BGC Episode 6.
6/15/2020Wow, over 6 years since my last update. I've certainly slowed wayyyy down on my cel collecting. Since I last updated I had two kids! Not to worry, though, I'm still obsessed with Japanese cartoons. Anyway, I added some things to BGCrisis 3 and 5, and an AD Police files item if I can get the new section to work. Enjoy!
12/15/2013It's my birthday… and I updated. Sounds like a good day by anyone's metric. It's been over two years since my last update… but I'm still out there… Anyway, I added cels to brand new sections! A new Dirty Pair cel and one from Detonator Orgun. I also split my Misc section into separate sections.
8/4/2011At long last, an update! With a major wishlist cel no less! Check it out in BGCrisis: 6, along with another Leon cel. The other two cels can be found in BGCrisis: 3. Super special thanks goes to my cel collecting friend and sempai from whom Quincy was a gift! You rock!

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Title Last Updated
A Wind Named Amnesia (1) 1/5/2009
Bubblegum Crash 1: Illegal Army (2) 11/20/2009
Bubblegum Crash 3: Meltdown (4) 1/5/2009
Bubblegum Crisis 1: Tinsel City (4) 1/19/2009
Bubblegum Crisis 2: Born to Kill (4) 11/20/2009
Bubblegum Crisis 3: Blow Up (8) 6/15/2020
Bubblegum Crisis 4: Revenge Road (3) 1/5/2009
Bubblegum Crisis 5: Moonlight Rambler (8) 6/15/2020
Bubblegum Crisis 6: Red Eye's (12) 8/4/2011
Bubblegum Crisis 7: Double Vision (1) 1/4/2009
Bubblegum Crisis 8: Scoop Chase (6) 3/5/2010
Bubblegum Crisis: Settei (4) 3/5/2010
Detonator Orgun (1) 12/15/2013
Dirty Pair (1) 12/15/2013
Dominion Tank Police (2) 1/5/2009
Dragonball Z (1) 1/5/2009
Scramble Wars (1) 1/5/2009
Wings of Honneamise (1) 1/19/2009

Curator: GenomExec
Gallery Created: 9/10/2001
Hits: 11480

Presentation 8.07/10   Collection 8.30/10   Overall 8.20/10   Votes 11 votes
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