The Genom Exececutive Cel Gallery


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Yann's Gallery - A huge collection with some good BGC. A great cache of Vision cels.
Nene's Gallery - Tons of cool BGC stuff belonging to a friendly collecting buddy!
Priss-chan's BGC Cel Gallery - A bunch of nice BGC pieces, and a nice collector, too!
Sylia's Fighting Angels! - Great BGC items, plus some other nice pieces. Also, a very friendly collector!
Steven's Anime and Animator G - A bunch of interesting items here. Not updated in some time...
Chris' Cel Site - A good variety of cool cels from old school sci-fi anime (my favorite kind of stuff).
Ghosts - A wonderful gallery with an astounding GITS section. It really is amazing.
Professor Atomo's Cel Gallery - Lots of nice items from a bunch of sources.


Curator: GenomExec
Gallery Created: 9/10/2001
Hits: 11481

Presentation 8.07/10   Collection 8.30/10   Overall 8.20/10   Votes 11 votes
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